In Which I Eat

First pregnancy, I tried to eat Very Healthy Breakfasts by my standards.  Which meant eggs, even though eggs are not exactly my favorite.  And when…

State of the Pregnancy, Week 22

Zoe pretty much kicks me all the time now.  In the morning as I’m waking, in the car as I’m going to work, sitting around…

Non-Girly-Girls Having Girls

I’m not exactly known as a girly-girl.  With respect to my daughter and her future usage of make-up and hair-styling products, I suspect that I’ll…

In Which I Turn Into a Pumpkin

Yesterday was Mike’s holiday party, which was lots of fun and there was food (which I like) and also a DJ and really neat San…

If You Could See Me Now

You would see that I am eating my cottage cheese out of a mostly empty jar of sunbutter. At my desk. What?  I needed to…

Zoe. What are you doing? Zoe. STAHP.

Dearest unborn progeny, please do not huddle up against your gestation pod’s intestines and/or spine.  The pod is, in fact, a human being, and she finds…

Our Lack of Tree…and Everything, Really

We have never put up a Christmas tree. Part of this is practical.  Truth is: there’s two of us, we don’t get a lot of…

The Morning Ritual: Month Six

The Morning Ritual looks something like this: Alarm goes off.  Evaluate bladder.  Hit snooze. Hit snooze. Hit snooze. Finally admit I need to get out…

On the Failure of Analogies

On the 15th of November I felt twitches.  I thought they were muscle twitches.  I was still in the headspace where I didn’t want to…

Zoe’s First Story, part 2

Here is the thing about miscarriage: it strips away confidence. All the optimism, all the nonchalance I breezed into my first pregnancy with got completely…